Scholarship Reapplication

Application Deadline 

The deadline for all reapplications is June 1st of the year for which the applicant is seeking scholarship assistance. 

Applications will be accepted online, by email or through the mail and must be submitted or postmarked no later than the deadline date. If the deadlines fall on a weekend or a holiday please postmark on the Friday before the deadline dates. Please do not hand deliver or fax the application. Deadlines are strictly enforced. 

Application Submission & Selection 

Submit the completed application and documents online, by email or through the mail.  The Solomon Jackson, Jr. Foundation will review the applications and announce the names of the scholarship recipient(s) no later than August 1st.

Please click here to view the full web brochure.  

Please click here to view a printable version of the application.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.