Scholarship Application
Application Deadline
The deadline for all applications is April 15th of the year for which the applicant is seeking scholarship assistance. Applications will be accepted online, by email or through the mail and must be submitted or postmarked no later than the deadline date. If the deadlines fall on a weekend or a holiday, please postmark on the Friday before the deadline dates. Please do not hand deliver or fax the application. Deadlines are strictly enforced.
An applicant may apply for a scholarship before being accepted into the college or university. Scholarship awarding is contingent upon being accepted into and attending the school.
Scholarship Awarding
The scholarship will cover tuition, fees, books, room and board and miscellaneous expenses. If sufficient money is available in the Solomon Jackson, Jr. Scholarship Foundation, one or more additional scholarships may be awarded to qualified applicants. If more than one applicant is selected to receive a scholarship, but there is not enough money in the trust to fully fund an additional scholarship, a partial scholarship may be awarded.
Payment of Scholarship
Scholarship monies will be paid directly to the institution attended by the recipient.
Other Information
Acceptance and receipt of the Solomon Jackson, Jr. Scholarship Foundation does not relieve the recipient of the personal responsibility of applying for admission to the college or university, nor does it guarantee his or her admission. After a student is enrolled in a college or university, his or her academic program, social and personal behavior and involvement in campus affairs are subject only to the policies of the college. The Solomon Jackson, Jr. Scholarship does not require particular courses in the recipient’s academic program, involvement in extracurricular activities or personal behavior inconsistent with college policies, except as stated above.
Recipients may attend the college or university of their choice within the United States. Pursuing a course of study in which the college or university offers an alternate year of study outside the United States will not jeopardize the scholarship.
Applicants who are lineal descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) of the Solomon Jackson, Jr. Foundation Scholarship Committee are ineligible to apply to the Foundation for scholarship award. Spouses of ineligible persons are also ineligible.
Application Selection
A committee will review the applications and select the most qualified candidate(s). If no candidate meets the eligibility criteria, no scholarship will be awarded. The Solomon Jackson, Jr. Foundation will announce the names of the scholarship recipient(s) no later than August 1st.
Please click here to view our web brochure.
Please click here to view a printable version of the application.